International Journal of Medical Science and Dental Research

Volume 5 Issue 2 (March-April 2022)

    • Cementum Revisited
      Cementum is a specialized calcified avascular mesenchymal tissue that form the outer covering of the anatomic root. The term „cementum‟ is derived from the Latin word “caementum” which means the quarried stone. Cementum may undergo alterations in structure as well as in the composition of its organic and inorganic components consequential to pathological changes in the immediate environment. Hypermineralization: the cementum of periodontally involved teeth,and in particular the hypermineralized surface zone, is also charecterized by an increased fluoride content. The high fluoride content of the surface layer also contributes to the subsurface and undermining character of the demineralization process in the cementum caries. Moreover, translocation of mineral ions during the caries process may result in the development of a more densely mineralized surface zone in the early cementum caries lesion than in the adjacent exposed, noncarious cementum surface

      Keywords:: Cementum, Hypermineralization regeneration, rootcaries, repair.

    • Acute Myocardial infarction and laboratory confirmed Influenza infection, a tertiary care hospital based study
      Introduction: There is a seasonal increase in influenza infections during winter months, likewise there is increase in the incidence of acute myocardial infarction (AMI) in vulnerable population. To know any relationship between these two conditions, we conducted a hospital based observational study.
      Patients and Methods: 728 patients were screened for the recent respiratory tract infection, out of them 106 patients had the symptoms confirming with the recently formulated definition of influenza like illness. After confirming the cardiac diagnosis swabs were sent to the viral research laboratory. Statistical analysis (Student t test, Pearson chi square test) was done with spss21 software. All p values were two side and taken significant when less than 0.05.
      Results: Mean age of our patients was 47.67 years, the mean age of AMI patients with positive influenza was 63.4 years. ). As categorical variable a subgroup analysis (Pearson chi square test) of influenza positive and influenza negative STEMI patients was done which revealed a P value of 0.000(2 sided).Out of 9 patients of NSTEMI, 2 patients were positive for influenza A and B respectively as categorical variable after Pearson chi square test the p value was 0.02(2 sided). For heart failure patients as categorical variable after Pearson chi square test, the P value was 0.34 , all other patients who were tested for influenza were negative.
      Conclusion: From our study we conclude that Influenza is a significant risk factor to cause Myocardial Infarction especially in patients who are more than 63 years of age. The annual influenza vaccination can prevent many patients from the infection and cardiovascular events.

      Keywords:: Seasonal variation, Influenza, Respiratory tract Infection, Acute myocardial infarction.